I’ve stopped counting...

You’ve all seen the memes going around on social media these past few days. Some could be looked at as inappropriate but I think for the most part they are to bring us a little bit of laughter in the midst of this unknown territory we are all traveling through. 
I think the one that has rung most true for us is this one...
Yup! This is so true! That pile of laundry you see has been sitting in front of our dryer for a good five days maybe more....I stopped counting. We just throw a new load in the wash, when it’s done we throw whatever was in the dryer on the top of the pile. Basically what happens is when the pile gets to large and we can no longer open the dryer door, it gets moved into the living room where 7 capable humans walk by it no less than 500 times a day avoiding the job that is literally before them. The 8th human walks by it and will play his own version of Jenga by pulling out some item from the middle of the pile in hopes it won’t collapse onto his head. He loses EVERY TIME! Usually around the 15th round of Jenga we begin the stage of bargaining with our children. Here are some examples:
                       -You can have 30 extra minutes on electronics
                       - I will give you $5 
                       - You can pick the next movie we watch 
                       - I will give you your brothers dinner 
                       - You get to continue to live in this house 
                       - You get to wear clean underwear again 

Yesterday that pile of Laundry finally got folded, just in time for the new pile of clean clothes to begin piling up. It doesn’t stop, it never will. Sometime after we added that third child our laundry multiplied by 1000. I don’t know what happens when the third kid comes. 
      And the Lord said... “ your laundry shall be multiplied by the thousandths when you bear many children” 
I kid....maybe.....just a little bit. 

I am living vicariously through all you moms that have posted all this “extra” cleaning and organizing you’re getting done. Over here in the Skelton house we are watching our laundry grow while also wearing the same thing three days in a row. It really is something amazing to watch!

Just another quick peek into this crazy circus of ours.We do love our big family and all that comes with it. I do not take lightly how blessed I truly am. We are praying for our friends and family in the coming days.



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