My thoughts for the week
I'm kind of at a loss as to how to start this post. I don't know really what I want to talk about today. I just know that it's time to update and well here I am updating. I'll just start with my week and see where it goes.
Sunday was mother's day and it was a good day. Although no offense to my husband but I would have liked to be the one who got to sleep in that day. He was sweet though, the kids signed a card for me and he got me a gift certificate to get my nails and toes done. I'm looking forward to using it. We went to my uncle Charlie's for lunch where all our little girl cousins got to play together. The super trio were back together again with another addition, my cousin from Michigan was in with her little girl. It was fun to watch them all together and surprisingly there were no major battles between them. I'm going to take that as a sign that they have pretty super moms! I enjoyed the day with my family and wish that we could get together more often.
Mondays are never fun for me especially when we were so busy on Sunday. Erin and Aiden were especially cranky do to no nap the day before. They sort of slept in a little if you can call 7:30 sleeping in. I came down stairs and listened at the door and was surprised to hear Aiden saying "Wake up Erin...Erin wake up" I was shocked because here we all thought it was Erin waking him up in the morning, but now I'm thinking the tables have turned. I pray for days when the kids can have their own rooms again. Tuesday was pretty much the same way, it's taken them a couple of days to get caught up on their sleep, but I think we've finally gotten there today.
I have to confess I haven't been the best mom this week. It makes me sad that I have let myself get so worked up over the things happening in our lives. It was just mothers day and I feel like I should be rejoicing in the fact that I have two beautiful children and a loving husband. I have been crabby and on edge, I have snapped at just about everyone in my family and I am always remorseful afterwards. I am nervous about what is to come for our family. Eric is getting ready to start a new job at a new church. A Methodist church, not that I have anything against it, it's just unknown to me and it makes me a little afraid. His current job is stressful with unreliable employees and an ungrateful employer. I understand that this is a pretty regular occurrence out in the world but it doesn't make it feel any better. It is also important that he be able to work both jobs for a little while so that we can get out of some of our debt. I have a lot of fears of what will happen in our future and if we will ever get out on our own again. I am very appreciative of the place we have to live but I know that it can be frustrating at times for all of us living in this house. I am trying to keep my head held high and keep my eyes on the Lord, but man the devil sure knows my weaknesses. So that being said I am going to focus on the scripture that says :
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you." Jeremiah 29:11
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