I’m back!!!

Well its time....
We are now on day 3...I think, of our Covid19 social distancing. We are a homeschooling family so we pretty good at being together ALOT! It’s the idea of not leaving the house that seems to send my children into a dramatic melt down of “How are we going to survive?” And “I don’t think I can do this” All this of course after only 3 days. In those 3 days we have actually gotten out of the house for various reasons and today, is the first time we haven’t actually left the house. 
With all this “extra time” on our hands I decided it was time to revive the blog. My reality is I love to sit and write. I’m not great at it, I ramble, and my grammar isn’t top notch but its a way for me to release some stress. I miss it, and to be honest as I was scrolling through, it isn’t lost on me that this is a perfect way to keep track of memories. 
I have renamed the blog to fit my family dynamics a little better. Since my last post we’ve added another kid!! So our lives have changed a bit not just in that sense but I’m also hoping my hubs will add his two cents every once in awhile. 
We are also trying to see about creating a little vlog to go along with it. 
It’s going to be fun for us, and I hope entertaining for you as we give you a little peek into the chaos of this never slowing circus!! 

Just hang on tight friends!!


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