Easy Like Sunday Morning

I woke up feeling excited for what the day was going to bring. I knew this wasn’t going to be our typical Sunday morning routine. I had the decision for my own well being that I was going to get ready as though this were any other Sunday morning. Sunday best was happening for this girl! Clicky shoes, make up done and curled hair, I was feeling pretty good!

Like every Sunday we have kids to get up and moving. Not an easy task especially for our 4th born. He’s just not really a morning person. Whenever we hear the phrase “easy like Sunday morning” we give the big eye roll and make some sort of sarcastic comment like “whoever said that never had kids” However TODAY, it was EASY! I couldn’t believe it. I even hopped on facebook live to share my excitement and glee as to how smoothly our morning had gone up to that point. There were no arguments over what to wear, and which shoes are appropriate. As a matter of fact, our littlest guy just went shoeless. It was perfect, everyone got up, got dressed, ate their breakfast in a timely manner, and brushed their teeth with no whining. I think the idea of actually leaving the house was motivation for us all to just “get along” Our drive to church was the fastest we’ve ever gotten there. Traffic around here is generally unpleasant and can take as long as an hour on a Sunday morning. Plenty of time to swing through dunkin and grab that morning coffee. It was a beautiful morning! 

Walking into an empty building with no cars in the parking lot and no one at the door to greet you was chilling. It was heart breaking.I could feel the heaviness begin. I long to see the smiling faces of our greeters, I want to hug their necks and tell them how much they mean to us, how much their presence is needed and wanted. I wanted to see all the sweet faces sitting on the chairs before church started....and this introvert might actually be excited for the next “greeting time” at the beginning of service. I tried not to dwell too long as it wasn’t going to do any good to lament over what was missing today. That and six kids running around doesn’t give much quiet time to do all that dwelling. 

My husband amazes me. Things have happened so quickly with this virus, and I feel like we are daily getting updates on more restrictions. His ability to adapt quickly to any situation and problem solve at the drop of a hat is admirable, and as many pastors have done today he preached a sermon to an empty sanctuary staring into a webcam hoping to reach as many as he could, given the circumstances.  

By the time we got home I could feel my anxiety rising. Kids were hungry and let’s be honest there is no “hungry” for a child it goes straight to “hangry” which causes bickering in the back seat. It can make a long car ride feel longer. After our lunch we collapsed on the couch for a “rest” Except when you’ve been home bound for almost an entire week “resting” is a lost cause. I found myself frequently getting up and walking around the couch in and out of the kitchen. If I sat down I felt like I needed to be doing something else, so the cycle of pacing would start over. It’s terribly exhausting.  

My boys came in and rescued me from my own thoughts and we had a fun afternoon of water balloon fights and washing the cars. Most of us had fun. Lily refused to come near anyone so she wouldn’t get wet even though she had her swimsuit on, Owen screamed in complete terror and a certain teenager was having a complete teenage melt down at how awful her life is because of this “social distancing”  I really understood all three of their feelings in those moments. The water was cold and I didn’t want to get wet, the running and screaming with the shock of the cold water would terrify anyone that’s new to water ballon fights and the truth is I’d like to have my own little tantrum over this whole “social distancing.”. My reality is that I can’t, its not really acceptable behavior for an adult. Instead, I will wait until they aren’t looking, go into my closet and throw some things. I kid I will actually go in my closet and eat chocolate. 

Today started off “easy like Sunday morning” but by the end of it, I am out of patience for the next “mom?” I have had one too many “snuggles” , I do not want to make anyone a snack, or peel an apple, or wipe sticky fingers, and spills off the floor. I know this may sound harsh and believe me I do love a good snuggle I am just giving you my truth. My kids are everything to me, and I am aware of my blessings. I am just ready for the day to be over. My heart aches for what wasn’t today and what won’t be for many days ahead. I have a running list of worries that seems to be growing by the second. Today felt heavy! So for tonight, I’m going to be obedient and “Be Still...” I’m going to know that God is in control and trust that He will carry me through tomorrow, and the coming days ahead. We were not promised easy days, but we were promised we’d never walk those days alone.
“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord”
                                                                    Psalm 31:24

Love y’all, 


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