I'm BACK!! YES! I can hear the round of applause from all two of you that read this. Oh and I think I definitely heard a squeal or two, I can't be sure that the squeal didn't come from one of the four children in this house but I'm choosing to believe that someone out there is excited to read my ramblings.
I changed the title and description of my blog because I feel like it will be more than just about the daily activities of my children, although I'm sure the majority of my blogging will have something to do with them.( I do spend about 95 percent of my day with them.) I also believe that I have some stories, lessons, everyday events that may just speak to someone else. It's always a comfort to me to know I am not alone in how I react, feel, experience a situation.
I can't promise this will be a daily blog but I will commit to at least once a week. There are moments in this house when things happen that just need to be shared. I mean with all these kids there is a lot of comedy happening.
Now I can't just end this post with a little blurb about this "NEW" and "IMPROVED" blog. I will share one of our most recent comedic events in the skelton household.
A conversation in the van went a little something like this:
Me: Hey Aiden we just passed a street named after you!
A: Really! What's it called?
Eric: Aiden! Quit acting like your mother!
Lots of laughter!
I changed the title and description of my blog because I feel like it will be more than just about the daily activities of my children, although I'm sure the majority of my blogging will have something to do with them.( I do spend about 95 percent of my day with them.) I also believe that I have some stories, lessons, everyday events that may just speak to someone else. It's always a comfort to me to know I am not alone in how I react, feel, experience a situation.
I can't promise this will be a daily blog but I will commit to at least once a week. There are moments in this house when things happen that just need to be shared. I mean with all these kids there is a lot of comedy happening.
Now I can't just end this post with a little blurb about this "NEW" and "IMPROVED" blog. I will share one of our most recent comedic events in the skelton household.
A conversation in the van went a little something like this:
Me: Hey Aiden we just passed a street named after you!
A: Really! What's it called?
Eric: Aiden! Quit acting like your mother!
Lots of laughter!
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