These are a bunch of random pictures from Erin's birthday party. She turned for last Sunday but we were out of town and weren't able to celebrate until this Saturday. It was lots of fun and I love this girl soooooooooo much. I keep telling her she needs to stop growing and she tells me
"but God wants me to grow" and well.....I can't argue with that.

This is my boy (like you didn't know already) This day was so busy that by the end of the night I had realized I didn't get to see or snuggle my boy at all that day. I missed him.

This is a beautiful dress that Eric's mom made for Erin Marie to play dress up.

For some reason our camera was taking horrible pictures this day, but this dress is beautiful and full of glitter. We all agree this is better than any store bought dress up outfit. Erin asked me this morning if she could wear it to school today.

This is part of the crazy present opening process

We like to do art projects, so I picked up these cheap ceramic pony's for the girls to paint.

They had a good time

Cake Time!
The most expensive cake I have ever paid for. EVER!! I will never do that again.

This was actually before the party, little miss diva was giving me some poses.

Yet another pose, she is a precious girl.
I can't believe she's four already. She looks like she's at least 6 in those last two pictures. :)
ReplyDeleteis it possible she could be 4! I remember her as a baby when you came to DFC. blessings!