A prayer Request

So for all my blog followers, (which I know are mostly family and friends) I am asking for a little prayer for Eric and I. We will be driving to Terra Haute Indiana tomorrow morning in the very early hours to meet with a pastor about a potential youth pastor position. I am anxious and excited about this. I have such a good feeling about this church and am fearing disappointment. God has gotten us this far for a reason and I am praying as well as Eric that this turn into a job for him. I'm not sure if I'm making sense, I've had a long day but wanted to recruit some prayer warriors on our behalf. We are one of five candidates they are looking at and things may change after tomorrow but as of right now we are both excited about the possibility of taking this job. We shall see. I will keep you updated. Thanks in advance for the prayers. Oh and our meeting time is 9:30 a.m. Indiana time and 8:30 a.m. Illinois time. Also pray that we make it there safely.


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