Here are our Zoo Pictures

Aiden already didn't want his picture taken
I had never seen the front of the Rhinos before usually we get their backends.

The girls playing on a fake snake. Erin waited for Maddie to touch it before she decided it was ok.

I could never get Eric to look at me so I could take his picture.

One of the babies. We got to see them play in the water.

This was before we went to see the butterfly house. That's all Maddie talked about but when we got in there she kept saying " I want to see other animals."

This is so true!

While we were finishing our lunch the kids were all lined up on this fence looking at the animals.

Erin had brought her little pink princess camra that is actually like a view finder. She was pretending to take pictures of the animals.

The tigers were very playful that day.

It was time to go home. Momma was tired!

We had a good time at the zoo. Grammy and Aunt Cindi were with us too, but some how they managed to stay out of the pictures. It was a fun day!


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