A little bit of chaos mixed with a whole lot of LOVE!
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Easter Events
OK so these uploaded backwards. So we are starting with Sunday morning. We were hunting for eggs. They were very excited to see their Easter baskets full of goodies, and to find the hidden eggs.
This was Saturday night dying our Easter eggs. Mommy might not be so good and patient as daddy is with this. The kids kept dropping the eggs in so hard and about half of our eggs had cracks in them.
You can see in the background of this picture that there is a rolling pin and cookie cutters, while we were waiting for daddy to come home from work I thought I would start rolling out the cookie dough, and let the kids use the cookie cutters. Again I say I am not so patient with this either, Aiden would push down the cutter and make big finger holes in the cookie, Erin as I will show you in a minute was busy playing in all of the flour. I hadn't realized how much flour she had used. So we quickly stopped that and went to the dying.
This is after I took her outside and brushed all the flour off of her clothes. I don't know if you can see her blue jeans but they have a slight faded look....that is flour.
This is my moms dog Barnabas, who happened to be standing under Erins chair. He was covered in flour as well.
After all was done, we did have a good time and the kids enjoyed coloring their eggs. I think daddy enjoyed it just as much. As for mommy, I will happily take the pictures and let daddy continue the tradition.
Ok, I love your kids. seriously I am picturing this whole scene in the kitchen in my head and am laughing really hard. I think Erin is awesome-she totally got that dog good :) You are blessed Angela! Never forget it!
Ok, I love your kids. seriously I am picturing this whole scene in the kitchen in my head and am laughing really hard. I think Erin is awesome-she totally got that dog good :) You are blessed Angela! Never forget it!