Easter was full of lots of excitement. All of the girl cousins got to play together. The boys however tuckered out and were napping when all of the excitement was going on.
Eric came in the bedroom to take pictures of the mess they had made, this was Kenedee hiding behind the crib. I think she thought they were going to get in trouble.
This is the messy room they made. Maddie is sitting on the ball, with Erin's winter hat and gloves on. They were pretending it was snowing.
This is when they all came out yelling "Super Girls!" They got into the kids towels that have the hoods on them. It was so funny! They sure have big imaginations.
While we were waiting to eat lunch papa went outside and hid some more eggs for the kids to hunt. They were believing that the Easter bunny hid their eggs outside too.
The girls were very sweet, they would find an egg and put it in the others basket.

This was after church, I should have taken the pictures before. They were not so willing to stand still. I couldn't get Aiden to stand still.
Handsome Ethan Michael
There's my handsome boy!

The girls in their matching dresses. Thank you Mimi and Papa! They are always so nice and buying the girls their Easter outfits.
We had a very exciting Easter and also relaxing. We stayed home and everyone came to us. It helps living with my parents. The girls had lots of fun playing together. They each have very unique personalities and when they are together they have a blast. Kenedee was very sweet and quite and carried this stuffed Kanga around the whole afternoon, Maddie was the clown/comedian, and Erin....well she is a little bit bossy, but they all had fun and there was very few disagreements. Aiden was able to join the fun for a little while after lunch, but then he needed to rest. He is a funny boy, especially with all the girls. He most likely had no clue what they are playing, but when they laugh, he laughs, and when they run, he runs. He's a precious little boy and I am very blessed to have him. I am also very blessed to have such a precious little girl. I am very grateful for my sister-in-law and cousin who have raised such sweet girls. We are a very blessed family! Thank you God!
I love the suit, Aiden is precious!! the Girl's dresses are extremely pretty too! I am sad I missed them on Sunday. -Ashley