Waiting Patiently....or not

Eric and I are ready to go back into the ministry. We are feeling the urge from God and have learned some good life lessons in the last seven months. We are both excited for what God might have in store for us. I am not as patient as Eric so there are many moments when Eric has to settle me down and remind me that we are not the ones in charge.
Yesterday Eric and I were finally able to meet with the pastor of a church looking for a youth pastor. After two meetings that were set up and canceled I was becoming very anxious about this meeting. I often wondered what is God trying to teach us through all of this. Why do these meetings keep getting pushed back. When we finally got to this last meeting I knew that nothing was going to get in the way. I felt like God was saying to me "Remember Angela I am in charge not you, it will be in my time not yours." I knew that this was the right time for us to meet with him. The meeting went great. We were very honest with him and he with us. I felt so comfortable with him. I did however forget how old Aiden was....a little embarrassing when you can't remember that your son is going to be two and not four. Not sure where my brain was on that, but then again the brain seems to disappear a lot these days. Anyway the meeting went well and now we begin our wait....again. We are still one of a few candidates that I'm sure are just as qualified if not more than Eric and I are.
I am not so good at this waiting thing. I want this to be all in Gods timing and His will, but I am still struggling with my own anxieties about it. I know that whatever happens God is in control. Why is it so hard to be patient? I guess I am asking for some prayer in all of this. I am excited about being in the ministry again, I miss it. I feel like Eric and I are in a good place and have a lot more to give. So if you could.....say a little prayer for us. Thanks!


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