Good Morning!

I have to start this explaining that Erin is always up before I am. She is so sneaky and quiet that I can never hear her on the monitor. So most mornings I wake up to a little pat on my hand and open my eyes to this cute little smiling face staring back at me.
This morning was a little bit different. She came in very quietly, I didn't hear her. So she tiptoes up to me pats my hand, startles me awake and before I can say anything she says. " Aiden took his jammies off and my diaper broked and is falling off and has poop in it." She said this all in one breath. I wasn't so concerned about the Aiden taking his jammies off, because that is starting to become a habit for him, it was the part about the broken diaper and poop that concerned me. So I decided I better get moving before I have a huge mess to clean up if I don't already. Sure enough her diaper had broken but it was only wet. Thank goodness. She is a funny girl and of course I go to get Aiden and he is down to his onesie. At least he hasn't figured out how to get the onesie off.


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