Last monday Eric had the day off so I decided I would make an appointment for the kids and I to get our hair cut. I have not had a hair cut in about six months so it was definately time. We are very blessed and have a neighbor that is a hair dresser. She is wonderful and cuts the kids hair for free and mine at a very generous discount.
Erin enjoys getting her hair cut, she is definately my daughter because we both have better attitudes after we get our hair done. She will pretend to be Holly (the hairdresser) and fixes is anyones hair that will let her. Aiden also enjoys a nice hair cut. He sits in my lap very still while she cuts his hair and smiles when she uses the buzzer on his neck. It is a very fun thing. Here are the kids after their lovely haircuts. 
We had such a nice day together as a family. Daddy let mommy get her hair done. It was so nice. Sorry no pictures of that sorry. I didn't get a picture of my hair after it was done. I was able to have it colored and highlighted. It was about an hour and a half for me to get my hair done. I am so blessed to have a husband that spent his day off keeping our two children occupied in the car and outside while I got my hair done. It was a wonderful day and the kids were so good for Eric. I think he enjoyed the time with them too. It really is true that getting your hair done makes you feel good! There were no tears that day!
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